Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Trik Download di 4Shared Tanpa Login

Trik Download di 4Shared Tanpa Login

Bagi pengunjung baru di blog ini, saya ucapkan Selamat Datang di Mur0bI BlogZzZzz. Semoga sobat bisa menjadi Power Visitor blog ini. Sebelum masuk ke inti postingan ini, saya ingin bertanya Apakah sobat sudah tau tentang situs download 4Shared? Tapi, saya kira sobat sudah tau situs download yg satu ini. Karena situs ini sudah mendunia dalam download. Tapi, baru-baru ini 4Shared membuat Kebijakan Baru Yaitu Setiap yang Mendownload di 4Shared harus login dulu, baik melalui akun 4Shared, Twitter, maupun Facebook. Pasti hal ini menyulitkan para pelanggan setia 4Shared karena harus mengulur waktu untuk LOGINdahulu. Karena itu, saya membuat postingan yg bermanfaat ini. TRIK DOWNLOAD DI 4SHARED TANPA LOGIN
Kelebihan :
1. Tanpa LOGIN
2. Tanpa menunggu
3. Loading cepat
4. Gratis... :)

Jika sobat merasa sebagai pengguna setia 4Shared, sobat patut mencoba Tool di bawah ini. Ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini untuk menggunakan Tool di bawah ini.

1. Copy link download file yg akan sobat download
2. Paste pada form generate di bawah
3. Klik Generate Link
4. File akan ter-download secara otomatis

supported by www.4server.info 

Jika sobat mengalami masalah, sobat bisa menulis komentar di bawah. Terima kasih telah menggunakan Tool di atas.
Happy download...

Sumber : http://sinaubengi.blogspot.com/2012/07/trik-download-di-4shared-tanpa-login.html#ixzz20Tl1r2Vu

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Download Software Ps1 For PC

Ok sob saya akan share software game ps 1 emulator untuk pc berikut ink download Psx for PC n bila sobat saat membuka game nya tidak bisa n error, sobat silakan download dengan klik link ini DFF.File setup.

--> Cara menggunakan psx nya :

- Dengan file berformat img = caranya buka psx lalu => klik file => Insert CD image => lalu cari file imgnya dan klik open

- Dengan kaset PS1 = caranya sama buka psx lalu => klik file => Insert CD drive => lalu cari cd drive yang kamu masukkan dan klik open

thanks n enjoyful

Download Software Gameshark v1. 13

Saya akan share GameShark ,anda tau jelas kan apa itu GameShark ? Jika anda tidak tau maka akan saya jelaskan ! , GameShark adalah sebuah Software yang bisa membuat Game PS1 dalam keadaan curang . misalnya Game Metal Slug X , tadi sudah saya coba Terkena Tembakan Pun tidak mati mati , nah sekarang saya akan share cara pemakaianya. 

Cara Pemakaian :
  • ~ Tempatkan Link Download dalam suatu Folder lalu Extrak
  • ~ Akan Muncul 2 File Yaitu Game Shark ( dalam keadaan Rar ) dan pSX emulates ( dalam keadaan Rar )
  • ~ Lalu Extrak Lagi keduanya dan Muncul 4 File yang merupakan File Game Shark dan 1 Folder pSX Emulates
  • ~ Buka pSX emulates klik File dan klik Insert CD image Lalu buka File GameShark v5.img
  • ~ Tunggu sampai Game Shark Muncul Seperti dalam Game dan ada 4 pilihan
  • ~ Yaitu Start Game ,Select Cheat ,Secreen Adjust dan Save Cheat ( Lebih tepatnya lihat gambar 1.1 di Secreenshot )
  • ~ Buka Select Cheat ,Pilih Game yang akan diaktifkan Cheatnya ( Lebih tepatnya lihat gambar 1.2 di Secreenshot )
  • ~ Lalu Tekan Q ( atau Start Dalam Stik ) Note : Q adalah Kunci Start di PSX saya sesuaikan dengan PSX anda
  • ~ Setelah itu Start Game > With Cheat
  • ~ Lalu buka Game yang anda akan mainkan ( Sesuaikan dengan Cheat ) klik File dan klik Insert CD image Lalu buka File Game
  • ~ Tekan Oke 
Secreenshot :
Gambar 1.1
Gambar 1.2

Baca Selengkapnya disini : http://www.bagas31.com/2011/09/gameshark-v5.html#ixzz20CZiPnWk

Link download software silakan klik ini sob http://www.mediafire.com/?8xd2tx6kp5zxqw2

Thank you 

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Cheat n Hint : Resident Evil 3 Nemesis ( Ps 1 )

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

--> Unlockables
~ Alternate Costumes
~ You will find the costumes in the room where you use the boutique key.

  1. Biker Costume : Complete the game under the hard difficulty setting with a rank of A.
  2. Disco : Complete the game under the hard difficulty setting with a rank of A.
  3. Jill's RE 1 costume : Complete the game under the easy difficulty setting with any rank better than F.
  4. Police Miniskirt : Complete the game under the hard difficulty setting with a rank of A
  5. Regina's costume from Dino Crisis : Complete the game under the easy difficulty setting with any rank better than F.

--> Epilogue Files.
~ Every time you beat the game, you will unlock a different epilogue ending for previous Resident Evil characters. There are 8 in all.

  1. Ada Wong : Beat the game 7 times.
  2. Barry Burton : Beat the game 3 times.
  3. Chris Redfield : Beat the game 2 times.
  4. Claire Redfield : Beat the game 5 times.
  5. Jill Valentine : Beat the game 1 time.
  6. Leon S. Kennedy : Beat the game 4 times.
  7. Sherry Birkin : Beat the game 6 times.
  8. Special Agent Hunk : Beat the game 8 times.

--> Misc. Unlockables

  1. Boutique Key : Complete the game in any mode. Higher ranks earn more costumes.
  2. Ending with Jill and Carlos : Play the game until you face Nemesis on the bridge before entering the Disused Plant. Choose the first selection, to push Nemesis out.
  3. Ending with Jill, Carlos and Barry : Play the game until you face Nemesis on the bridge before entering the Disused Plant. Choose the 2nd selection, to jump from the bridge.
  4. Epilogues : Complete the game on hard mode with any character to view his or her epilogue.
  5. Jill's Diary : Gather all thirty notes and books in the game.
  6. Mercenaries mini-game  : Complete the game.

--> Nemesis Rewards
~ Each time you defeat Nemesis in Hard Mode he will drop something.

  1. Eagle Parts A : Dropped by Nemesis the first time you defeat him.
  2. Eagle Parts B : Dropped by Nemesis the second time you defeat him.
  3. First Aid Spray Box : Dropped by Nemesis the third and sixth times you defeat him.
  4. Infinite Ammo for one weapon : Dropped by Nemesis the seventh time you defeat him.
  5. M37 Parts A : Dropped by Nemesis the fourth time you defeat him.
  6. M37 Parts B : Dropped by Nemesis the fifth time you defeat him

--> Easter Eggs.
~ Alternate Ending
   When on the bridge between the park and the lab, choose to jump off the bridge instead of pushing Nemesis off, it changes the end of the game along with other scenes through the rest of the game.
~ See Director's Message.
   After you unlock all of the character endings, you will see a special message from the director. One word of caution, this will be the only time you can see this.

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Cheat, Trik, n Hint : Medal of Honor Ps 1

Medal of Honor

--> Codes
~ Unlock All Doors : While paused hold L1 + Triangle and press Square, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, Square, Triangle.

--> Password 
~ Enter the following codes at the Enigma screen :

  1. 4x4 Firing Rate : ICOSIDODEC
  2. American Movie Mode : SPRECHEN
  3. Bismark Dog : WOOFWOOF
  4. Egon New Uniform : COOLSHADES
  5. Ernst New Uniform : ARTCRITIC
  6. Felix : HOODDOWN
  7. Game Werks Arena : MACOOCOO
  8. Gunther : GUNTHER
  9. Infinite Ammunition : BADCOPSHOW
  10. Invincibility Mode : MOSTMEDALS
  11. Jens New Uniform : INTHENAVY
  12. Johan New Uniform : TIREDJOHAN
  13. Karl New Uniform : SCARYKARL
  14. Kurt  : EVILKURT
  15. Manfred : MANLYMAN
  16. Mission 8 : EINSICKERN
  17. Multiplayer power-ups : DENNISMODE
  18. Nutcracke New Uniform : NUTCRACKER
  19. Picture of Adrian : AJRULES
  20. Picture of Lynn : COOLCHICK
  21. Play as Col. Muller : BIGFATMAN
  22. Play as Heinrich : HEINRICH
  23. Play as Helmut : HELMUT
  24. Play as Jimmy : JIMMY
  25. Play as Manon : MANON
  26. Play as Noah : BEACHBALL
  27. Play as Otto : HERRZOMBIE
  28. Play as Robbie : ROBBIE
  29. Play as Ulf : ULF
  30. Play as Wolfgang : HOODUP
  31. Rapid Fire : ICOSIDODEC
  32. Reflecting Shot Mode : GOBLUE
  33. Rizal New Uniform  : IKEANDKEN
  34. Rosie New Uniform : WECANDOIT
  35. Site-seeing Theatre : SPYSCHOOL
  36. Special multi-player powerups : DENNISMODE
  37. Tempramental Tocsin for already beat levels : BRADALARM
  38. Unlock all Multiplayer Characters : CAPTAINDYE
  39. Velociraptor : SSPIELBERG
  40. View Development Team : DWIMOHTEAM
  41. View Picture Gallery : DWIGALLERY
  42. Werner Van Braun  : ROCKETMAN
  43. William Shakespeare : PAYBACK
  44. Winston Churchill : FINESTHOUR
  45. Wireframe Mode : TRACERON

--> Mission Select :

  1. Rescue The G3 Officer : RETTUNG
  2. Destroy The Mighty Railgun Greta : ZERSTOREN
  3. Scuttle Das Boot U-4901 : BOOTSINKT
  4. Attack Impenetrable Fort Schmerzen : SENFGAS
  5. Sabotage the Rjukan hydro Plant : SCHWERES
  6. Capture the Secret German Treasure : SICHERUNG
  7. Escape The V2 Rocket Plant : GESAMTHEIT

--> Unlock the Making of Movies :

  1. Mission 1 :  INVASION
  2. Mission 2 : BIGGRETA
  3. Mission 3 : DASBOOT
  4. Mission 4 : STUKA
  5. Mission 5 : KOMET
  6. Mission 6 : TWOSIXTWO
  7. Mission 7 : MISSLEAGE
  8. Mission 8 : VICTORYDAY

--> Glitches :
~ Full ammunition on new level.
After beating the first level of a mission input the Infinite Ammunition code in the options menu. Then play the same level again with the code on. After you beat the level, when you get to the next level you'll have maximum ammunition. Repeat the code on levels that you have beaten, so when you go to the next new level you'll have enough ammo to last.

--> Secrets
~ Everything unlocked.
Go to the Options screen, then enter the password SMPSMDMILK on the password screen (with the typewriter). After the green flash, go back to the password screen, and enter URLINGAMBE as the password. You will be taken to the photo gallery. Go through the gallery until you return to the main menu to have everything unlocked.

Cheat CTR ( Crash Team Racing ) Ps 1


~ Masukkan kode berikut di menu utama :
  1. 1 Lap Races only : Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Bawah, Atas, Bawah, Bawah, Kanan, Atas, Bawah, Kanan, Segitiga, Bawah.
  2. Beakers and Explosive Crates only : Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Kanan, Atas, Bawah, Atas, Kanan, Lingkaran.
  3. Display Turbo Counter :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Segitiga, Bawah, Bawah, Lingkaran, Atas.
  4. Fake Crash :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Lingkaran, Bawah, Bawah, Atas, Lingkaran, Lingkaran, Bawah, Kiri, Kanan.
  5. Icy Tracks :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Bawah, Kiri, Kanan, Bawah, Kanan, Lingkaran, Segitiga, Bawah.
  6. Invisible Racer :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Up, Up, Bawah, Kanan, Kanan, Atas.
  7. Komodo :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Down, Circle, Kiri, Kiri, Segitiga, Kanan, Bawah.
  8. More Tracks :  Tahan Kanan L1 + R1 dan tekan, Kanan, Kiri, Segitiga, Kanan, Bawah, Bawah.
  9. N. Tropy :  Tahan l1 + R1 dan tekan Bawah, Kiri, Kanan, Atas, Bawah, Kanan, Kanan.
  10. Papu Papu :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Kiri, Segitiga, Kanan, Bawah, Kanan, Lingkaran, Kiri, Kiri, Bawah.
  11. Penta Penguin :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Bawah, Kanan, Segitiga, Bawah, Kiri, Segitiga, Atas.
  12. Pinstripe :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Kiri, Kanan, Segitiga, Bawah, Kanan, Bawah.
  13. Ripper Roo :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Kanan, Lingkaran, Lingkaran, Bawah, Atas, Bawah, Kanan.
  14. Scrapbook Mode :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan Pres Atas, Atas, Bawah, Kanan, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan, Segitiga, Kanan.
  15. Slide Coliseum :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Atas, Bawah, Bawah, Kanan, Kanan, Bawah, Bawah.
  16. Spyro 2 Demo :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Bawah, Lingkaran, Segitiga, Kanan.
  17. Super Engine Mode :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Atas, Atas, Kiri, Kanan, Segitiga, Bawah, Kanan, Bawah.
  18. Super Turbo Pads :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Segitiga, Kanan, Kanan, Lingkaran, Kiri.
  19. Unlimited Bombs :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Segitiga, Kanan, Bawah, Kanan, Atas, Segitiga, Kiri.
  20. Unlimited Masks :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Kiri, Segitiga, Kanan, Kiri, Lingkaran, Kanan, Bawah, Bawah.
  21. Unlimited Turbos :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Segitiga, X, Kanan, Kiri, Kiri, Segitiga, X.
  22. Unlimited Wumpa Fruit :  Tahan L1 + R1 dan tekan Bawah, Kanan, Kanan, Bawah, Bawah.